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Shop / Mushroom coffee

focus & think Instant Hazelnut

Focus, memory, concentration and incredible non-crash energy, every.. single... day!!!


Our Hazelnut Coffee Mix combines the power of Lion's Mane mushroom with our signature coffee and roasted chicory to create the perfect blend for elite thinking & natural nootropic energy (Available in 50 servings).

From: $33.59

*Packaging may vary

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Hazelnut Coffee with Lion's Mane.


Power Up Your Mornings with this Brew for Elevated Energy and Focus.

We've got a feeling you'll love this well-balanced hazelnut-flavored mushroom coffee. If you're not a fan of regular mushroom coffee this is a great alternative! This proprietary blend includes organic instant Arabica beans, roasted chicory, and lion's mane mushroom extracts. We use an artificial sweetener to sweeten the taste, and best of all this blend also contains 0 sugar. 

Get Really Productive.

Organic Lion's Mane is a natural nootropic and has the ability to support cognitive function, concentration, and mood. Our Mushroom Coffee is the best natural brain booster on the market. It is formulated to be powerful and effective. Lion's Mane is the most powerful known mushroom when it comes to brain health.

Tastes like Hazelnut Coffee.

The secret to our mushroom Hazelnut coffee is our micro-grind technology, which takes Arabica beans, and roasted chicory and grinds them 10 times finer than regular coffee to unlock their hidden taste and aromatic notes. This process ensures a delicious coffee dominant taste. Prepare for a delicious hazelnut-flavored mushroom coffee. 

Brew to Your Perfection.

Experiment and customize your perfect cup of hazelnut mushroom coffee. Add 1 tsp. (2 grams) to a cup of hot water (8oz.), mix, adjust to taste and enjoy. For a stronger hazelnut mushroom coffee experience try 2 tsp. (4 grams).

Get the Focus & Think Hazelnut Blend if you want to get really productive. Best for work and studying! 

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